Word Tracer is shareware. Word Tracer may be distributed freely but if you would like to keep a copy you must send $10 to:
Bob Uskali
1504 Coventry Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60195
By paying the $10 shareware registration fee, you not only own a copy of Word Tracer 1.0 but are also entitled to upgrade discounts, and other special offers.
For a $16 registration fee you may purchase the Word Game Pack which includes both Word Tracer 1.0 and Word Breaker 1.0.1. These two great word games which normally cost $10 each will be mailed to you on a 3.5" HD disk. Word Breaker is played by guessing a hidden 5-letter word which the computer has chosen. Detailed graphics, multiple levels, scoring and a 3000 word dictionary make Word Breaker fun and challenging. Word Breaker also includes automatic letter marking, game saving, a high scores list, and built-in instructions. This game will not disappoint.
Word Breaker is one of the best word based games available - here's what some of the registered users from around the country have said:
"We now play Word Breaker instead of watching TV" - Florida
"I am addicted to Word Breaker. It's great!" - Louisiana
"My 12 yr old daughter and I love your Word Breaker game" - Maine
"Word Breaker is fantastic!" - New York
"Great game!! Can't stop playing!" - North Carolina
Also included in the Word Game Pack is a B&W version of Word Breaker which can be played on Classic Macs.
This Word Game Pack offer valued at $20 is yours for only $16 if you register for both now.